Tomorrow is Election Day Nov 7th 2017

It has been a long campaign season and tomorrow it will end when the polls open at 6am until they close at 8pm and the votes are counted.

2morrow is election day remember vote


Met many people in Hartford, Bloomfield and Windsor as well as others from across Connecticut. I enjoy meeting people in the state whether they are in my district or in another persons district where I am helping.

Lot’s of discussions about harmful regulations and the oppressive taxes and what can or should be done to fix our state and our cities and our towns.

Tomorrow is The Day why so many people put in many hours of hard work and I thank each and every one of you that have worked to educate the people about the candidates that are running for office.

Tomorrow is Election Day 2017 and it is the day where we chose the direction of the country, the state and our cities and towns.

The choices are quite distinct to choose to go down the same path towards the destruction of our nation with old socialist / communist policies that have never worked; or we can chose to go in a new direction and turn towards policies and principles that will #MakeWindsorCTGreatAgain .#MakeCTGreatAgain and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

We will choose to Vote for new Mayors and City-Town Councilors to represent us at the city halls and choosing the direction of our schools with the Board of Ed candidates.

I hope and pray that each of you WILL Get Out To VOTE Row B

Then when you get out in the parking lot that you call those in your household to remind them to get out to vote if they have not voted yet.

CT is in need of a change of direction, we need your help in making that change happen.

If you have a couple of hours to volunteer please give a call; we can use any and all assistance tomorrow.

We need people out on locations through out the state & we have things for people who are housebound to be able to assist as well.

The only way that we can have a #FreshNewStart is if we Vote Out Incumbents that are career politicians who are raising our taxes and wasting our money on special projects for their crony corporate friends…

To get out of this mess we need New People with New Ideas and who know what it is like to live under the oppressive rules and regulations.

#SharingIsCaring so please share this post on all of your social media networks



#BrokeBronin talks in Rocky Hill 12-12-16

#BeggingForBailOut tour stopped in Rocky Hill CT on Monday Dec 12th 2016

It was almost a full house after all, the video camera view that I initially saw showed a bunch of empty seats but another video showed that the room was mostly full & some people were standing together in the back of the room talking among themselves…

I watched a live stream of the meeting while it was happening in Rocky Hill

Hartford’s mayor pitches regionalization to Rocky Hill

The link above goes to the Fox61 article – For some reason I’m unable to get the video player to post properly so I’ve posted the video over on the other blog & it seems to post properly over there

#MalloysMess Ruining Summer Fun

Does your family like to camp in CT state parks?

Well thanks to the democrats your family will not be able to camp in some of the parks after the July 4th holiday weekend because the democrats do not value your family & choose instead to give raises to UCONN’s already highly paid administrators & to their favorite corporate buddies

Do you like to go to the summer concerts & farmers market & wander through the Old State House?  Well again #MalloysMess means that you can’t enjoy like you have in years past, but maybe on a limited schedule if businesses & private people step up!

The Old State House will be Closed to  the Public starting June 29th according to this news report


We’re still waiting word official about the farmers market & the summer concert series

is from the article but it is not looking good for the other usual offerings. There is the possibility that the cuts might even affect the WinterFest was mentioned on one of the news channels. There is time enough for that to find additional sources for funding. I hope that people remember all of this mess by November when they go to vote.

RiverFest was cancelled & originally the Movies in the Park were cancelled but some local businesses stepped up & were able to save that family fun nights. Shout Out to Jamie of Bears BBQ who is one of the local businesses that saved Movie Nights in the Park!

The West Indian Independence Celebration will be able to have it’s 54 Annivesary celebration in Bushnell Park but it is pared back due to the budget cuts. So there will only be a parade of bands & dance troupes but none of the usual Big Floats in it’s condensed route around the park rather than down it’s normal parade route.


Mohegan Sun to open a Korean location

There will now be an International Flavor for the Mohegan Sun Brand 

This report has the newest expansion being put over in South Korea & it will be a big expansion…

In light of this news the question that comes to my mind is why the push for a new rinky dink casino in CT on non-tribal land?

Are they just looking for a quick boost to finance this project overseas?

How committed are they planning to be to us in CT when they’ve slashed their own profits in CT already by opening a competing casino in the tourism region of the Poconos PA?

There are only so many gamblers in CT, MA, NY & NJ… where there was little competition in the past they now have other casinos but they additionally slashed their own profits (and ours too since CT was supposed to get a cut of the pie) by opening in PA.

Since it’s opening in PA which was drawing away people who wanted to do several things on vacation the profits have gone down here in CT.

Better Tourism  Dept in PA was part of the key for CT’s profits loss because many people decided if they were going to drive for 2 hours they would rather have a destination that offered more than just drinking & gambling & expensive shopping.

PA has it’s tourist destinations clearly marketed & it’s actually warmer longer there earlier in the year.

The question is why are CT’s Historical Sites being destroyed for cookie cutter crap instead of promoting CT’s History Richness?


Mohegan Sun has been granted a licence to open a new resort location in South Korea.

Source: Mohegan Sun to open a Korean location

End of Month Money Bomb

We’re coming to the end of the month & the end of the fund raising quarter

We need your assistance to fight the Taxing Tyrants in Hartford.

Will you help us with a donation of $20.16 or more in our fight against the #TaxingTyranny of the democrats in our capitol hill? These career politicians are well funded & working hard to keep their positions of power over us.

We are working towards bringing some sanity to our crazy capitol hill. The career politicians have lost touch with the reality of what they do up there on capitol hill is hurting our families every day.

Do they think we all have money trees growing in our yards?

Taxes are hurting us as we pay increased prices for everything now to start with but on top of that our elected officials have added more taxes. Oh they love to say it’s just a little tax but it’s slashing into our family budgets a thousand little slashes everyday.

We need YOUR Help to fight the career politicians in Hartford,

End of Mth 2016 MoneyBomb Star RWBShow your support for Common Sense Spending & Balancing the State Budget with your social shares & your donation today.

Help us get Theresa Tillett up to the Citizen’s Election Qualification Funding Goal of $15,000.00 so that we can go into battle fully armed.

Thank You for Your Qualifying Donations.


Winter Storm Faith Feb 2015

What a difference a year makes…

Last year in Jan – Feb 2015 we were hit with more snow than we wanted.

Our CT Tradition of naming winter storms had us all the way up to the letter F.

This year so far in 2016 we only have had 1 named winter storm. For the most part not much snow or even traffic problems for CT because #WinterStormAnna came on a weekend. While those who love to ski are complaining about the lack of snow, personally I do not mind because I don’t care for cold weather. I enjoy Spring, Summer & Fall for their colors & warm sunny days.

Outside of CT the nation was using the name that the weather channel had given her & they called Winter Storm Anna the next name on their storm list which was Jonas.

Anna/Jonas put a hurting on the southern states & then just a slap on the rump for CT. Yes after a snow filled winter of 2015 I’m enjoying this year which has been mostly rain.

With all of the extra taxes that Malloy & his henchmen at the capitol who locked the republicans out of the budget room have heaped upon us, saving on heating oil due to the warmer winter this season helps out the home budget.


Snow & Ice looking out my bedroom window Feb 2015

10 Days until Christmas

A nice thought from Christmas Countdown last year

Under the Christmas tree,
With many dreams in the eyes,
The gifts and the fun,
Feeling a little wise,
That is the fun of Christmas,
With family and friends,
Stay blessed,
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

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Election Day is here #GOTV Calls

Today is the Day to Get Out The VOTE!

Polls opened up at 6am & will be opened until 8pm
(barring any funny business at the polling stations which seems to be happening a lot the past few years in our cities)

Have you already gone to Vote before going to work?

Call Friends & Family & Remind them to #GOTV

Can you take a Co-Worker to go vote during your lunch break?

Can you get out early to assist with getting friends & family & neighbors to the voting booths?

Call the candidate that you are supporting & ask if there is some assistance that you can offer, many times there are polling stations that could use a sign waver outside for an hour or two.

Did you remind the people in your social networks?

If we are going to turn around our state we must begin with our cities & towns.

button Your Vote Counts round RWB-Stars

NC Enters Year 4 of Common Core and Reading Retention for 3rd Graders Increases Statewide

Those who are fighting common core have been made fun of the parents fighting common core & the administrations in most states have gone on the attack to try to drown out the voices of those concerned & knowledgeable enough to stand up & say “NO This is Very Bad for our children & we do not want it”

With each passing year the schools make excuses after excuses for why the students are doing poorly…
Then they demand more money because they think that if the test scores are bad then of course they must spend more money on the worst educational system that was developed…

#ParentsRights are being denied as many school officials try to hide the curriculum & lessons & tests from the parents. Teachers & Administrators have gone against what are in the best interest of the children in their push to add more highly paid staff with titles to do worthless studies…

Our children are worth more than the crazy experiments which these testing corporations are doing. We can not afford for our children’s lives to be ruined by these people.

#StopCommonCoreInCT end the moneypit waste that we have going on in every town in CT.

Learn All that you can about this program & then get down to the town halls & demand for the removal of this mess from our state & towns! #TakeBackOurSchools

Source: NC Enters Year 4 of Common Core and Reading Retention for 3rd Graders Increases Statewide

New gang in Chicopee recruiting kids as young as 12 years old – Western Mass News – WGGB/WSHM

I came across the article below
After hearing about some recent bike thefts & seeing some complaints & debates about the gangs of children on bikes riding recklessly in Windsor neighborhoods on facebook; I’m wondering if this might be what is going on.

Parents want to put their heads in the sand & think that their children would not act in such a manner but reality is that in the times in which we live we possibly could have such a bike gang problem going on.

Parents we have to talk to our children & their friends parents so we can know where our children are. I think that it might be a good thing to have our police departments to compare notes to see if there is a possibility that this gang in Mass is also operating here in CT.

What is there for our youth to do to distract them from this type of activity that is quite dangerous?
With all of the money spent on the schools aren’t there after school activities for the children to be a part of?
What activities are offered at the community centers that our children can take part in so they aren’t playing in the streets?

A new gang in Chicopee has police on high alert because the group is recruiting kids as young as 12-years-old.  Officers are now continuing their efforts in providing safety for residents.

Source: New gang in Chicopee recruiting kids as young as 12 years old – Western Mass News – WGGB/WSHM