CT Constitutional Candidates

On this page we’re listing the websites of those Constitutional Candidates that we know have dedicated themselves to serving CT in elected offices.

Depending upon the year we will list Municipal Or the State and Federal Level Candidate websites, there are some candidates who have chosen to leave their websites active year round as a way to keep in contact with the people of CT & their districts.
Some have been successful in their elections & have opted to also keep their websites opened up for discussions, others have opted to use only the government provided website after being elected.

Since some towns in CT run a SLATE of Candidates rather than Individual Candidates running for a specific position we may add a page for those towns that have a webpage for their Slate of Candidates in the very near future.

Each of these men & women have indicated they will be using both the Federal Constitution & the CT Constitution as their guide when making decisions about laws that are being put in front of them to vote on or requested to be made.

These are the CT working men & women who are part of #TeamWeThePeopleCT movement fighting against the power elites of the rich career democrat politicians.








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