Tomorrow is Election Day Nov 7th 2017

It has been a long campaign season and tomorrow it will end when the polls open at 6am until they close at 8pm and the votes are counted.

2morrow is election day remember vote


Met many people in Hartford, Bloomfield and Windsor as well as others from across Connecticut. I enjoy meeting people in the state whether they are in my district or in another persons district where I am helping.

Lot’s of discussions about harmful regulations and the oppressive taxes and what can or should be done to fix our state and our cities and our towns.

Tomorrow is The Day why so many people put in many hours of hard work and I thank each and every one of you that have worked to educate the people about the candidates that are running for office.

Tomorrow is Election Day 2017 and it is the day where we chose the direction of the country, the state and our cities and towns.

The choices are quite distinct to choose to go down the same path towards the destruction of our nation with old socialist / communist policies that have never worked; or we can chose to go in a new direction and turn towards policies and principles that will #MakeWindsorCTGreatAgain .#MakeCTGreatAgain and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

We will choose to Vote for new Mayors and City-Town Councilors to represent us at the city halls and choosing the direction of our schools with the Board of Ed candidates.

I hope and pray that each of you WILL Get Out To VOTE Row B

Then when you get out in the parking lot that you call those in your household to remind them to get out to vote if they have not voted yet.

CT is in need of a change of direction, we need your help in making that change happen.

If you have a couple of hours to volunteer please give a call; we can use any and all assistance tomorrow.

We need people out on locations through out the state & we have things for people who are housebound to be able to assist as well.

The only way that we can have a #FreshNewStart is if we Vote Out Incumbents that are career politicians who are raising our taxes and wasting our money on special projects for their crony corporate friends…

To get out of this mess we need New People with New Ideas and who know what it is like to live under the oppressive rules and regulations.

#SharingIsCaring so please share this post on all of your social media networks



Special Election on Feb 28th 2017

You may have heard about the Special Elections that will be occurring on Feb 28th in the 2nd State Senate & 32nd State Senate districts due to 2 state senators quitting rather than taking office after the November 8th 2016 elections…

This will be an interesting election to watch because…

The 32nd District will have 3 candidates on the ballot with Dan Lynch an UnAffiliated Candidate being given ballot access after getting the required number of signatures to gain access to the ballot.

Dan will be able to apply for the CEP funding if he is able to raise the funds & number of in district donations required, so that is the goal he is working towards now.

If you live in the 32nd you will have a very tough choice to make because I met both Eric Berthel & Dan Lynch & both are fine men.

I’ve not met the democrat but the mere fact that he’s with the democrat party I could never consider him for office so neither should you


Article on website from the Republican-American newspaper

Sadly I will not be on the ballot for the Special Election in the 2nd state senate district…

I have heard rumor but haven’t seen confirmation yet but there may also be a 3 way race with Atty Aaron Romano on the Working Families Party ballot line since he did not get the Republican nomination after switching parties? He announced he had $8,000 raised when he presented at the Windsor RTC meeting prior to the convention on Jan 19th.

Mike McDonald will be on the Republican line and State Rep Doug McCrorey on the Democrat line… Both men are expected to be receiving the CEP Funding Grant for their campaigns once the SEEC finishes with their submitted paperwork.

I will post an update once I get confirmation with links as to who is officially on the ballot in the 2nd senate race.

Normally in Special Elections the Republicans pick up the seats because the democrats do not show up to vote as much during the off election voting sessions…


#BrokeBronin talks in Rocky Hill 12-12-16

#BeggingForBailOut tour stopped in Rocky Hill CT on Monday Dec 12th 2016

It was almost a full house after all, the video camera view that I initially saw showed a bunch of empty seats but another video showed that the room was mostly full & some people were standing together in the back of the room talking among themselves…

I watched a live stream of the meeting while it was happening in Rocky Hill

Hartford’s mayor pitches regionalization to Rocky Hill

The link above goes to the Fox61 article – For some reason I’m unable to get the video player to post properly so I’ve posted the video over on the other blog & it seems to post properly over there

#MalloysMess Ruining Summer Fun

Does your family like to camp in CT state parks?

Well thanks to the democrats your family will not be able to camp in some of the parks after the July 4th holiday weekend because the democrats do not value your family & choose instead to give raises to UCONN’s already highly paid administrators & to their favorite corporate buddies

Do you like to go to the summer concerts & farmers market & wander through the Old State House?  Well again #MalloysMess means that you can’t enjoy like you have in years past, but maybe on a limited schedule if businesses & private people step up!

The Old State House will be Closed to  the Public starting June 29th according to this news report


We’re still waiting word official about the farmers market & the summer concert series

is from the article but it is not looking good for the other usual offerings. There is the possibility that the cuts might even affect the WinterFest was mentioned on one of the news channels. There is time enough for that to find additional sources for funding. I hope that people remember all of this mess by November when they go to vote.

RiverFest was cancelled & originally the Movies in the Park were cancelled but some local businesses stepped up & were able to save that family fun nights. Shout Out to Jamie of Bears BBQ who is one of the local businesses that saved Movie Nights in the Park!

The West Indian Independence Celebration will be able to have it’s 54 Annivesary celebration in Bushnell Park but it is pared back due to the budget cuts. So there will only be a parade of bands & dance troupes but none of the usual Big Floats in it’s condensed route around the park rather than down it’s normal parade route.


New gang in Chicopee recruiting kids as young as 12 years old – Western Mass News – WGGB/WSHM

I came across the article below
After hearing about some recent bike thefts & seeing some complaints & debates about the gangs of children on bikes riding recklessly in Windsor neighborhoods on facebook; I’m wondering if this might be what is going on.

Parents want to put their heads in the sand & think that their children would not act in such a manner but reality is that in the times in which we live we possibly could have such a bike gang problem going on.

Parents we have to talk to our children & their friends parents so we can know where our children are. I think that it might be a good thing to have our police departments to compare notes to see if there is a possibility that this gang in Mass is also operating here in CT.

What is there for our youth to do to distract them from this type of activity that is quite dangerous?
With all of the money spent on the schools aren’t there after school activities for the children to be a part of?
What activities are offered at the community centers that our children can take part in so they aren’t playing in the streets?

A new gang in Chicopee has police on high alert because the group is recruiting kids as young as 12-years-old.  Officers are now continuing their efforts in providing safety for residents.

Source: New gang in Chicopee recruiting kids as young as 12 years old – Western Mass News – WGGB/WSHM

Windsor Budget – Vote NO Tomorrow

Reminder Get Out & Vote NO on the Budget Tomorrow

Polls Open at 6am & Close at 8pm

#YourVoteIsYourVoice – #VoteNo

#SayNoNewTaxes – there is a lot of questionable BoE items needing transparency & the democrats in charge of the BoE aren’t being forthcoming about all the numbers nor looking for cost saving measures that can be options for our citizens – the BoE budget is 2/3rds of the town’s total budget & it needs to be better managed, we’ve had too much vagueness in their numbers & animosity by the BoE leadership when being questioned about how they plan to spend our families money

#SaveWindsorPuppies – Save our Windsor Animal Control Shelter the democrats are forcing our current “dog pound” to be destroyed by their corporate friends who they have given the tax breaks to build luxury mixed use apartments (think like Hartford office & stores downstairs & apartments on top commercial buildings) so the rich get rid of our puppies who have gotten lost & found by our animal control officers & now instead of building a new shelter the democrats who obviously do not like dogs are trying to send our Windsor Puppies out of town to possibly kill shelters #DemocratsHatePuppies

TAX on back of bent over man

#SaveTeamParagon – our 18 year olds need to vote to save their classmates Robotics Program which the democrats will displace when they try to take over the old Roger Wolcott school which was closed due to students leaving the district – our teens deserve to have the Robotics Team in a space where they can continue to grow in learning as well as experiencing successes as they compete #DemocratsHateRobots

If you are RICH you’ll have no problem going along with the democrat bullies who have been steadily increasing our taxes every year but if you are part of the lower income brackets that are struggling under the weight of the excesses & wasteful spending that the democrats who are running Windsor are jamming down our throats then #VoteNo

Ups & Downs of Traveling

I’ve been taking a series of classes down in VA over the past few months

It has been interesting comparing the other states to CT as I’ve driven along the way.

Of course there is the simple Nicer Weather (mostly nicer it did get a Freezing Spell halfway thru my first stay while CT & Boston had a blizzard) than CT this winter. Enjoyable as I started stripping off layers on the drive down & then not so fun adding them back on as I drove back home to CT’s cold winter weather.

As I hear talk about adding Tollbooths back into CT; all I can think about is how the career democrat politicians have all lied to us when they removed the original tollbooths after the terrible multi-car & truck accident years ago.

These career democrat politicians stuck us with both Increased Sales Taxes & Increased Income Taxes! These Career Democrat Politicians are Breaking their Promises to Our Hard Working Taxpaying Families!

They promised both taxes wouldn’t be raised again but all taxes HAVE Been RAISED, including adding on taxes to items that were not previously taxed like our clothes costing less than $50.00 which hurt poor families.
The INCOME TAX that was supposed to be temporary but instead has not only Not Gone Away but Has Been RAISED!

Currently we are blessed enough to live close enough to the Mass border that we have been going there to purchase both gas & cartons of cigarettes. Since we have been quitting smoking & the gas prices lowered in the state we have started buying our gas once again in CT. The only question is “How long will that last?” since the career democrats are hellbent on raising all current & adding new taxes once again…

It is clearly shown that the career democrats who have been ruling our state for so many years have not the slightest clue on how their meddling is so badly hurting our families nor businesses.
Those who are able to do so shop elsewhere to avoid our high taxes. We have been losing businesses & hard working tax paying families with each year as more taxes & fees & crazy regulations are added in CT.

PA Rest Stop Jan 2015

Travelers should be wooed to our state to shop & visit our historical sites but our elected officials for as much as they travel on our taxpayer dollars they do not come back with ideas that can be used here in CT to bring in businesses or tourists or working taxpaying families.

In PA the Rest Stops are bright clean & scenic as well as being a safe place to pullover & rest on the long trip north or south.
In NY the rest stops aren’t quite as nice along 84 but frequent reminders to pull over to check the texts & double as state trooper roadside mini stations to be dispatched from.

Do you know that you can drive down to the DC area & back & only pay $1.50 in tolls from CT’s north most towns?

Our career democrat politicians want to drive away tourists who can & will tap the option Avoid Tolls on their GPS units or Google maps – Yes it might take you a bit out of the way but…

With beautiful countryside & clean rest stops along the way & even less traffic than going through NY/NJ turnpike systems; the extra miles & much less expense of tolls, it is well worth the trip.
The traffic avoidance alone it’s worth the extra mileage & will get you there in just about the same time but with less frazzled nerves due to the congestion & bad drivers at the many tollbooth stops.

Besides there are some nice family owned shops to stop & eat or shop along the way rather than the big box stores.

Can you guess where the most congested traffic always is on the way home to CT? Yes that’s right at the crazy mess of the tollbooth at the Beacon-Newburgh bridge where the tollbooths are!

With the addition of tollbooths the career democrat politicians are dooming our state to loads of increased debt & taxes that we do not need & can Not Afford!
Exactly why would any traveler come through CT with the highest gas taxes in the area?

#CallCTGeneralAssembly tell them #JustSayNoToTollBooths #CutSpending #StopAddingTaxes

PS: My Rant about More Gambling in CT is posted on another blog post which I’ll link back to here at a later date Life Calls so I must get to it

Driving in Winter – ugh I Hate Snow on the Roads

Yes it’s that bane to unicorn fart believers time of year – WINTER

When freezing temps & lots of snow is falling & we in the frozen lands ask “Hey can you send some of that global warming over here?”

I hate driving in winter during snow storms or afterwards when there is a hit or miss on will the roads being traveled be plowed & cleared.

Sometimes it can’t be helped people have to go to work & children off to schools & snow storms have their own schedule.

What is in your car as you’re driving around this winter?

I’ve been lucky to not have gotten stuck in the snow on the roadside but they have shown on the news this winter how others have not been so lucky.

I’ve done my best to stay off the roads when possible when snow is falling but a couple of times have had the unpleasant experience of being out when the snowstorm starts.

People yes we all want to get home & out of the snow but SLOW DOWN!
What good is speeding home to hit an ice patch & have an accident that causes not only you but everyone on the highway after you to spend an even longer time stuck in the cold in a traffic jam?
Saw that happen on my way home from DC earlier this winter.

Emergency Kit Backpack

Emergency Kit Backpack

Do you have a blanket or some sort of throw inside the car to reach for if you get stuck for an extended period of time out in the mess? If you have children then an old twin blanket for them in the back seat will reach across the seat to cover them all fold in half lengthwise to add warmth & a 2nd one for the adults in the front seat.

With it being winter try to never let the gas tank go below 3/4 full would be ideal but reality is not as easy to do as we’d like. The danger in letting the gas tank go below 1/4 is that in a traffic jam you could run out of gas or more common is that in this cold the gas lines will freeze. To help against gaslines freezing in the car adding some drygas to a full tank once a month has helped me over the years.

While it’s not snowing take a few minutes to gather items for your next trip out to the car
Snow Scraper with Brush – reminder the new law passed we have to remove car roof snow too
Extra Mittens to just leave in the car
Sunglasses – glare from the sun & snow means sunglasses are year round requirement for driving
Blankets or Throws – 1 for each row of seats
Flashlights & a RED film covering for signaling to show up against snow day or night
Some munchies to leave in the car like granola bars or protein bars that are wrapped & not affected by freezing or heat for a month
Candle in a Tin & Matches – hey save gas & battery life with a candle in a tin if stuck on the roadside adds a tiny bit of heat too
First Aid kit – pick one up at the store & add what you need to it & put it under the front seat

There are websites that offer more in depth details about what to have in an emergency kit for the car & home. One of the sites which I have been involved with is This is where we can chat, ask questions & discuss all sort of different ideas about life in a world without electrical power or emergencies like Katrina / Sandy style events.
They start 8pm eastern Sunday through Friday nights & will be expanding their times on air as they bring on more hosts.