#MalloysMess Ruining Summer Fun

Does your family like to camp in CT state parks?

Well thanks to the democrats your family will not be able to camp in some of the parks after the July 4th holiday weekend because the democrats do not value your family & choose instead to give raises to UCONN’s already highly paid administrators & to their favorite corporate buddies



Do you like to go to the summer concerts & farmers market & wander through the Old State House?  Well again #MalloysMess means that you can’t enjoy like you have in years past, but maybe on a limited schedule if businesses & private people step up!

The Old State House will be Closed to  the Public starting June 29th according to this news report http://fox61.com/2016/06/24/old-state-house-to-close-to-the-public-june-29-due-to-budget-cuts/


We’re still waiting word official about the farmers market & the summer concert series

is from the article but it is not looking good for the other usual offerings. There is the possibility that the cuts might even affect the WinterFest was mentioned on one of the news channels. There is time enough for that to find additional sources for funding. I hope that people remember all of this mess by November when they go to vote.

RiverFest was cancelled & originally the Movies in the Park were cancelled but some local businesses stepped up & were able to save that family fun nights. Shout Out to Jamie of Bears BBQ who is one of the local businesses that saved Movie Nights in the Park!

The West Indian Independence Celebration will be able to have it’s 54 Annivesary celebration in Bushnell Park but it is pared back due to the budget cuts. So there will only be a parade of bands & dance troupes but none of the usual Big Floats in it’s condensed route around the park rather than down it’s normal parade route.


Shop Small Saturdays 2015

Shop Small Saturday is normally the day after Black Friday

I think to help our Mom & Pop Shops we need to not shop just the 1 day

To help our economy in CT let’s Buy Local & Buy American Made.

Shop Small Saturday

I know sometimes it’s faster & cheaper to run into a big box store, but there are many small shops that are reasonably priced & you can see if they are open to the lost art of haggling & get a better deal.

With some planning we can at least buy gifts for holiday giving from our local family owned businesses & crafts people in the state.

We can also buy more of our food locally at family farms. We have several pick your own farms in CT so you know it’s fresh since you & the family spent some fun family time picking the fruits.


So as we start wrapping up the school year & get ready for summer, let’s shop small CT. I hope that you’ll share the small shops that you find good deals & great services at with us.

#ShopSmallCT #ShopSmallSaturdays

Ups & Downs of Traveling

I’ve been taking a series of classes down in VA over the past few months

It has been interesting comparing the other states to CT as I’ve driven along the way.

Of course there is the simple Nicer Weather (mostly nicer it did get a Freezing Spell halfway thru my first stay while CT & Boston had a blizzard) than CT this winter. Enjoyable as I started stripping off layers on the drive down & then not so fun adding them back on as I drove back home to CT’s cold winter weather.

As I hear talk about adding Tollbooths back into CT; all I can think about is how the career democrat politicians have all lied to us when they removed the original tollbooths after the terrible multi-car & truck accident years ago.

These career democrat politicians stuck us with both Increased Sales Taxes & Increased Income Taxes! These Career Democrat Politicians are Breaking their Promises to Our Hard Working Taxpaying Families!

They promised both taxes wouldn’t be raised again but all taxes HAVE Been RAISED, including adding on taxes to items that were not previously taxed like our clothes costing less than $50.00 which hurt poor families.
The INCOME TAX that was supposed to be temporary but instead has not only Not Gone Away but Has Been RAISED!

Currently we are blessed enough to live close enough to the Mass border that we have been going there to purchase both gas & cartons of cigarettes. Since we have been quitting smoking & the gas prices lowered in the state we have started buying our gas once again in CT. The only question is “How long will that last?” since the career democrats are hellbent on raising all current & adding new taxes once again…

It is clearly shown that the career democrats who have been ruling our state for so many years have not the slightest clue on how their meddling is so badly hurting our families nor businesses.
Those who are able to do so shop elsewhere to avoid our high taxes. We have been losing businesses & hard working tax paying families with each year as more taxes & fees & crazy regulations are added in CT.

PA Rest Stop Jan 2015

Travelers should be wooed to our state to shop & visit our historical sites but our elected officials for as much as they travel on our taxpayer dollars they do not come back with ideas that can be used here in CT to bring in businesses or tourists or working taxpaying families.

In PA the Rest Stops are bright clean & scenic as well as being a safe place to pullover & rest on the long trip north or south.
In NY the rest stops aren’t quite as nice along 84 but frequent reminders to pull over to check the texts & double as state trooper roadside mini stations to be dispatched from.

Do you know that you can drive down to the DC area & back & only pay $1.50 in tolls from CT’s north most towns?

Our career democrat politicians want to drive away tourists who can & will tap the option Avoid Tolls on their GPS units or Google maps – Yes it might take you a bit out of the way but…

With beautiful countryside & clean rest stops along the way & even less traffic than going through NY/NJ turnpike systems; the extra miles & much less expense of tolls, it is well worth the trip.
The traffic avoidance alone it’s worth the extra mileage & will get you there in just about the same time but with less frazzled nerves due to the congestion & bad drivers at the many tollbooth stops.

Besides there are some nice family owned shops to stop & eat or shop along the way rather than the big box stores.

Can you guess where the most congested traffic always is on the way home to CT? Yes that’s right at the crazy mess of the tollbooth at the Beacon-Newburgh bridge where the tollbooths are!

With the addition of tollbooths the career democrat politicians are dooming our state to loads of increased debt & taxes that we do not need & can Not Afford!
Exactly why would any traveler come through CT with the highest gas taxes in the area?

#CallCTGeneralAssembly tell them #JustSayNoToTollBooths #CutSpending #StopAddingTaxes

PS: My Rant about More Gambling in CT is posted on another blog post which I’ll link back to here at a later date Life Calls so I must get to it

Elections 2014 – Will Hartford be the new Bridgeport?

Will Hartford CT be this years Bridgeport?

Already a potential for a repeat of what happened in Bridgeport is about to happen this year in Hartford’s polling stations.

For some reason there was a problem with the Voter Registration Books getting printed up & they were not at the polling stations this morning when the polls opened.

So some of the polling stations allowed for voting by having people sign an affidavit that they are in fact registered voters…

BUT there were some polling stations that were turning away voters until the books finally arrived

It has been reported that the CT Democrats attorneys are as I type filing papers to allow for the polling stations in Hartford to stay open later

Keep your eyes on Hartford

Looks like the corruption & cheating will come from there this year

1 party rule hows that working for ya vote republican