Taxation Is Theft?

I’m not happy with taxes increasing like most people who have to pay them; but when does it become THEFT vs Necessity as a Part of living in a civilized society?

want vs need man balancing

Our elected officials seem to have a serious problem telling the difference between what is a WANT and what is a NEED for the state of CT…

This seems to be an extremely painful problem for our families who have to suffer under the increasing taxes to pay for all of the Fun but Not Needed Wants that the democrats want to keep imposing upon us

A big part of our budget problem in CT are all of the special projects that fall in the “Fun BUT… It’s Only a WANT” category like Pipedream Fancy “Tunnels Under the River”, Fancy Busway Bus Stops for almost empty buses that create traffic jams downtown while doing little to relieve the traffic problems that we were told they would do all to great expense to our families…

So now our poorest children will be punished because their lunches, sodas and the grocery bags that their parents use to bring home the groceries will have added taxes on them to cover the subsidies that the governor has given out to his special friends & the projects that they want to force upon us.

#DemocratsRaisingTaxesAgain #MalloysMess #DemocratsHurtingFamilies

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